Moto-rock fest ‘Predel’

One of the biggest events in rockers’ life is Moto-rock fest ‘Predel’.

Rockers of all ages from every region in Bulgaria meet at Predel area in order to organise the biggest moto rock party with lots of music, adrenaline and gasoline smell. High speed fans show unique motorbikes with extravagant design and even more extravagant tattoos. One of the most interesting moments in the 2-day fest is the tour of the town of Razlog and the demonstrations for the most skillful and attractive bike riding.

During the 2 days all the motorcyclists have fun with different games like darts from motorcycle, pushing beer keg with motorcycle, throwing beer keg, tug of war.

Emotionally and with good mood passes the contest for the best self-made machine, for the most tattoos, etc.

Moto rock fest is held under the moto “Ride with a helmet” and is visited not only from people who are moto clubs’ members and rockers, but also from people who are motorcycles’ fans, people who love rock music, beautiful nature and great emotions. The festival boasts an increasing international participation and interest in each of the years since the first festival was held.

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