What is a Tourist Information Center or TIC for short?

TIC is the smiling face of Destination Razlog
TIC is a place accessible to all guests
TIC provides warm hospitality to visitors by offering high-quality information services
TIC works in partnership with the local tourism business, the local community and local authorities for the development of the destination
TIC employs highly qualified staff with knowledge, skills and motivation, satisfying the information needs of visitors, turning them into sincere and loyal friends of the region.
Why is a Tourist Information Center needed?

TIC works to increase the number and duration of tourist stays
TIC increases tourist satisfaction and aims to create loyal customers.
How does the Tourist Information Center work?

Development of tourist products

Creation and updating of a database of tourist attractions
Needs research
Development of products according to demand
Dissemination of information and commercialization of products
Support for the development of local tourism

Participation in planning the development of tourism
Organization of events in the destination
The Tourist Information Center “Destination Razlog” offers:

Entertainment tourist packages, including the most interesting sites in the destination
Detailed information about the cultural, natural and historical sites
Booking request via the website www.destinationrazlog.com
Copying services
The Tourist Information Center “Destination Razlog” offers organizes:

“Solar Calendar” Studio. Making miniature copies of animals from the Ancient Solar Calendar, found and restored in Razlog.
“Razlog in Paintings and Photos” Studio. Plein air for artists, photographers and amateurs.
“Embroidery” Studio. Embroidery of unique local embroideries.
Atelier “Knitted Socks”. Knitting of traditional woolen socks.
Atelier “Certificate”. Brag that you were here.
Festival “A Thousand Costumes in One Place”.
Festival of Banitsa in Razlog
Exhibition of local producers

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