
Where are you? Is that what you’re asking yourself? Take a deep breath of fresh air and take a sip of cold water.

Yes, this is a heavenly place! Yes, this is Razlog!


Razlog is embraced by three majestic mountains – Rila, Pirin and the Rhodope Mountains. Large parts of the Rila and Pirin National Parks are located here. The latter has been a UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site since 1983. On the territory of the Pirin National Park – the Bayuvi Dupki – Djindzhiritsa reserve, there are the largest deposits of alpine edelweiss in Europe. Over half of the area of ​​the Pirin National Park is occupied by coniferous forests, mainly white and black pine. The average age of these trees is 150 years, and two of the black pines are millennial.

Razlog is close to 4 important cities and airports in Bulgaria and Greece – it is 150 km from Sofia, 148 km from Plovdiv, and 220 km from Thessaloniki and Kavala.

The Razlog Valley is the highest in Southern Bulgaria – about 900 meters above sea level. Through the “Momina Klisura” gorge in the south it connects with the Gotsedelchevska valley, and in the west it passes into the “Predel” saddle.

The region is one of the richest in water reserves in the country – numerous rivers, tributaries of the Mesta River, Istok River, Yazo River, Krushe River, Byala Reka River and Godlevska Reka River, as well as mountain lakes. Underground waters, karst cracks, pore waters, determine the great water wealth of the territory. The abundance of catchment drinking waters is of strategic importance for the territory.

Its climate is temperate continental with a weak Mediterranean influence and clearly defined four seasons. The average annual temperature is +9.5ºС.

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