About 2 km. from the village of Bachevo is the natural phenomenon “Gergeva Rock” the locals call it “Djerdjeva Rock”. People say that the horse hoof prints, which are still visible on the rock today, are from the horse of Saint George. According to legend, Saint George lived here, among the inhabitants of the village. When the Turks came, they decided that the only way to enslave the local population and make them accept the Muslim religion was to kill Saint George.
A whole troop chased him, but Saint George ran with his horse and reached the rock. Below him was the abyss, behind him – the Turkish troop. Then God gave him wings, the horse flew over and, falling at the foot of the rock, a mineral spring gushed from under his feet. The rock split in two. And today, whoever goes there, passes through it. It presses the sinners and lets the sinless ones go.