- Duration
3 days with activities, 2 nights
- Seasonality
The package can be realized all year round. Most appropriate season: spring, summer and autumn
- Target groups
The package is aimed at Bulgarian and foreign tourists, interested in the rich history of the region.
- Pre-conditioning
The package is suitable for small and large groups of all ages. No need of special equipment or skills of the participants. Historical lectures are conducted by appointment
Day 1
Arrival and hotel accommodation in Razlog
Visit to the historical museum – Razlog
Visit to the ‘Holy Annunciation of Virgin Mary’ Church in the town of Razlog
Lunch in a typical restaurant (mehana) with traditional cuisine
Walk in the park of Razlog
Visit to the tourist site Ancient Solar Calendar
Dinner with folklore program
Day 2
Transfer to the village of Banya
Arriving in Banya. Visit of the tourist site ‘Old baths in the Razlog area’
Transfer to the village of Gorno Draglishte
Arriving in ‘Deshka’ guest house
Transfer to the village of Dobarsko
Visit to the ‘St. st. Teodor Tiron and Teodor Stratilat’ Church
Meeting with ‘Dobarski babi’ (Dobarsko’s grandmothers) folk group
Walk to ‘Shtrokaloto’ waterfall
Transfer to the hotel
Day 3
Visit to Pirin golf with opportunities of golf training