Riding Pirin horse – Koncheto ridge
According to a mountain story “Koncheto” (The small horse) is called so because during the time before the safety rope was put in 1963, some less experienced hikers go through Koncheto by saddling the ridge edge like a horse and slowly advancing which remained of horse-riding. Is this the case? Take your equipment, food and water and check if you can pass through it. Starting points for “Koncheto” are “Yavorov”, “Banderitsa” and “Vihren” huts. All of them are good starting point for passing the ridge.
“Koncheto” ridge is situated in Northern Pirin at 2810 m above sea level. It is the lowest part of the karst ridge between Kuterlo peak and Banski Suhodol peak. Koncheto ridge is about 150m long, the narrowest part is about half a meter. The northwest slopes come almost vertically to Banski Suhodol circus, and the southwestern slopes lead to Vlahinska River. For the first time in winter conditions in 1934 Bulgarian alpinists Nikola Mironski and Luben Telcharov passed through “Koncheto”.
About 15 min northwest from the ridge is the “Koncheto” alpine shelter. It is situated on the main crest from “Bayuvi Dupki” peak (2820m). It is a wooden building, attached to the rocks with steel ropes. It can accommodate about 15 people, there are blankets for all. The shelter is designed as a place to spend the night only in urgent situations. There is no water nearby.
Nearby tourist sites:
Yavorov Hut – 4h 30min
Kazana Shelter – 2h 30min
Banderitsa Hut – 4h
Kutelo Peak – 1h
Vihren Peak – 2h40min
Vihren Hut (passing Vihren peak) – 5h
All routes are marked.
No one who has seen the world from this magical place and has felt how fragile and helpless before nature is, has always went home changed. The path to the “Koncheto” becomes more and more narrow. Do not try to go along with the rest of the group. Here, the only option is “one by one”. If you decide to take pictures or just look around, you would better stop. If you look away from the path, you will get dizzy, the gaps are huge. If you happen to be there in foggy or cloudy weather, you will feel like the clouds are sleeping on your shoulder. Don’t slow down, you haven’t ride the ridge yet. Carry on. When you reach the metal rope, hold on tight. A little more and you’ll be on the ridge. When you are finally there, just take a deep breath. How do you feel? Small? Big? Winner? As far as you can see, there is only sky, peaks, white rocks and in the distance- in the lower lands – green grass.Often happens that on the one side of “Koncheto” the sun is shining and on the other – clouds cover the rocks. Probably because here is the meeting point of all winds and times.
When you get back to civilization, you will feel different. Probably you won’t feel it immediately, probably now it sounds crazy. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you were able to ride “Koncheto” and it took you to the best places – where you feel at peace with yourself. “Ivanka Mogilska, Source: www.peika.bg
On a clear day before the eyes of anyone who travels from Razlog to Bansko stands the beautiful chain of Pirin Mountain; and one wishes even for a minute to be “up there”. The mountain looks grim and inaccessible. But when you come closer, little by little it opens and is ready to embrace you. When you look at the world from the ridge, you’re not the same person. And Pirin is also not the same. It has become tender and beautiful, gathered all colors of our land.Then love is born, and you cannot escape it. The feeling that you are now part of Pirin is everlasting.”
From “1000 pages Bulgaria”