Rila primrose trail

Ако поемете по тази пътека ще имате възможност да научите любопитни неща, свързани с този вид растение, срещащо се единствено в Рила планина.

Destination: Dobarsko

If you take the trail, you will learn interesting facts about Rila primrose that can be found only in Rila mountain.

on specially adapted places one can have a picnic with delicious homemade food prepared by the hospitable local people. For those, who are not long hikes fans can choose one of the shorter trails in Dobarsko area. One of them will take you to the picturesque 30m “Shtrokaloto” waterfall  and to the discovered a few years ago antique ceramic oven from II-IV century, made for bricks and tiles manifacture.

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